Monday, September 22, 2008


Well hello there day fifteen! :)

I actually had a pretty good day today. :) I had a normal day of school, but it wasn't entirely bland. Then after school I watched the volleyball game. South Plainfield won, but i'm okay with that because Queen is on that team. :) When I took the late bus home, it was the cutest thing! A couple of freshman boys knew me! They knew my name and all that, but I didn't know them. I don't know, I've always liked that feeling in a weird kind of way. Do you know what I mean? This one guy especially, that sat next to me, was a total sweetheart. He knew all this stuff about me because he actually reads the stuff on my myspace. I don't know, but that melts my heart because I always have this feeling that nobody cares, and when I find that somebody does actually care, it just makes my whole day. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. :)

That was pretty much my day. I'm extremely tired though. I want to go to sleep so badly, but I still have random oddities to do.

I forgot to tell you about my dream that I had two nights ago. It was so weird! I can't really remember all of it (but then again, when can I?), but I know most of the end. Alright, so we had a house in what looked like my Aunt Cecil's neighborhood. I believe it's something like a country club? Anywho, my mom, supposedly my brother, and I were driving home. We left my lola (which means grandma in tagalog) at the house because we weren't going to take long where ever we had gone. Suddenly, I see my cats roaming around the neighborhood. I see Butters, Taylor, and Sasha just walking around. I'm shocked and when I get home I check to see if it were really our cats. It turned out that my lola had left a window or something open and they had gone out. I can't remember the next part, so I'll just skip ahead. We're having some kind of barbecue at our house. I walk outside and my Uncle Tony is grilling these amazing smelling and looking burgers. I have a small conversation with him, but I don't remember what about. Then I look up towards the sky and it starts to rain really hard. I run inside, but my Uncle Tony is still outside trying to grill the burgers. That's actually all I can remember.

That's kind of weird, huh? Yeah.

Well I suppose I'll go now. Until tomorrow! :)

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