Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Day sixteen! Hello! :)

I'm feeling a bit off today, I must admit. I went home early since I didn't really feel good. I feel a bit better now though. I've still got a slight headache, but I'll manage. Today was relaxing. It really did me good. I know that I'm still just a teen and it's not really believeable that I go through stress and such, but I actually do. Teens need a day to kick back too, you know.

After my headache got better, I decided to go to the library and return the stuff I borrowed. Then I took out another book, and three DVDs. One of them was "27 Dresses" and I just finished watching it. :) It was a really cute movie.

Even though I was really tired, I didn't sleep. This way I could go to bed early and feel really good and refreshed tomorrow. One thing that I hate equally to stomach-aches would have to be feeling tired. Especially in the morning! Ugh, I hate that. Anywho, this was a good day off for me. Even though I still have a bit of a headache, and I'm slightly dizzy, it was a really enjoyable day.

Oh! I forgot to mention this cool chicka that read my blog. :) Her name is Ebony and her birthday is November 18. Now I bet you're wondering what that has to do with anything. Well, she actually falls under "Love&Friendships" for that list of birthdays I have. Isn't that awesome? Uh, YES. :)

I've been thinking about my no-boyfriend situation lately. That's not the only thing that gets me down. It's also the fact that I'm not really crushing on anyone either. Having a crush is one of the best parts! Well for me--anyway.

The weather right now is amazing! It's gorgeous outside! I don't really know how to enjoy this day though, so i'll just admire it from afar.

Oh and about 13 more days until I get my braces off. :D

Well that's all for now. Farewell. :)

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