Friday, September 12, 2008

I Love You Egg!,


"Wiggle jiggle, yellow middle. That's the best of what you are. I love you egg. White and tender surround the center, cozy sitting in a crackling shell. I love you! Vitamins and minerals in you, oodles of your proteins too. Oodle doodle! Popular and perfect and so complete in every way! I love you egg, egg! Come into my tummy, oh so very yummy. Crack, crack, crack! Chip-a-chip away your shell and come to me. Get your eggs! I love you, fresh egg. I love you, white egg. Really, really love you so. Eggs I really love you like the sky above. I love you, fresh egg. I love you, white egg. Three-hundred and sixty-five days, I really love you so. I really love you so. Mmm, yummy!"
Yeah, so I love egg. That's what I call him anyway. Not recently, but it's a nickname that i've given to him before. I'll just use it now for the sake of privacy. :) I was with him after school today. It was fun. We were kind of bored for a while, but you know.

My mommy picked me up from school at like
4:30PM. We went to the nail salon because she wanted to get a polish change for her party thing tomorrow. There was another lady there that was talking about going to a party tomorrow. Hah! My mom thinks she's gonna be there. I find that funny. :) Then we ate Filipino food! Hooray. We were supposed to go to the store, but it was all rainy. We decided to just go home.

All in all,
today was a pretty good day. :) I mean, I liked it. I predicted it to be a good day. ;) Even though there was rain and such, I still liked it. Nothing can stop the good days!

Well I don't have a
boyfriend, but my heart is taken. That's good enough for me<3.

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