Wednesday, September 17, 2008


What is this? Day ten? Oh, goodie! :)

As you all may know by now, I'm really interested in Astrology and such. I own this book called, "The Secret Language of Birthdays" and I love it! Will somebody buy me another Astrology book? c[: Anyway, my friend|half-sister Rachel's cousin has this other book and it contains a list of birthdays that should be important to you. There's four categories. The four categories are beneficial, love and friendships, soul mates, and fatal attractions. It's fun to find people with birthdays that fall under those categories. This is what I found so far:

Kamisha Hagood - [Challenging] - I've known Kamisha for kind of a while. I don't really understand why she falls under challenging though. :P

Jonathan LiVolsi - [Love&Friendship] - I just met Jon this year, but I already love being around him. He's really funny and I would rather be around him than a lot of other people I know. I can understand why he's under "Love&Friendship". :)

Siddharth Patil - [Challenging] - I actually knew Sid since I was little. I can't remember when I actually had a class with him, but I believe that would be 2nd and 4th grade. Maybe even 3rd grade, I can hardly recall. Anyway, we hadn't talked ever since because I moved, but then he found me and now we talk everyday. I can't understand why he falls under "Challenging" though. He thinks because our personalities contrast. I guess that makes sense.

Amanda (Mia) Vakulchik - [Challenging] - Mia is one of my best friends. Now this time I really don't know why she falls under "Challenging". I really have no idea. It doesn't make sense to me because me and her get along really well and such. I guess we don't see eye to eye all the time. We never fight though, so this is a really good friendship. :)

Masai (Possum) Nazaire - [Love&Friendship] - Right off the bat, I definitely understand why he falls under this category. I'll admit up to my extreme obsession-like crush for him in 6th grade. Then we got to know each other. Us being together as a couple went on and off until about the end of 8th grade. We stopped talking for a while in the beginning of 9th grade. Then towards the end of 9th grade we became best friends again. Masai is my other best friend, along side with Mia. As you see, we really do have "Love&Friendship". :D

Alexandria (Alexicaca) Datri - [Love&Friendship] - Aw, I knew Alex from when I was very young. We're cousins! Why wouldn't we be close to each other to begin with? Whenever we see each other, we're always laughing and joking around. We enjoy each other's company entirely and I'd have to say that she is my most favorite cousin. I love all of my other cousins of course, but me and Alex just click so well like that. It's no wonder that she falls under this category.

Amun'Ra Archbold - [Fatal Attraction] - I can't remember when I met him. I'll honestly say that this was a fatal attraction. I'm really attracted to him, but I don't know. Somehow it's just not meant to be, I guess. I hope that doesn't make it sound bad. He's the only one that I found under "Fatal Attraction" so far.

Derina (Deribunny) Tanumihardja - [Love&Friendship] - I knew Deri over myspace from a while ago. I didn't get really close to her until I actually started hanging out with her in school and outside of school with other friends. I tell her a lot of my secrets and she tells me most of hers (I think). I can definitely understand why she falls under "Love&Friendship". :)

Andrew Williams - [Beneficial] - I will honestly say and admit that I fall in and out of love with this boy constantly. That's really all I can say. I don't know why he falls under "Beneficial" though. I was thinking that maybe he teaches me something that I don't really notice consciously. Perhaps he teaches me something sub-consciously. That makes the most sense to me.

Queen (Daughter) Campbell - [Beneficial] - I figured that she would fall under "Love&Friendship", not "Beneficial". I don't really understand that. I love Queen though. I met her last year and she calls me "madre". This apparently makes me her mother, and she, my daughter. Me and her talk about a lot of things that I can't really talk to most other people. She understands things that some people don't. I'm always there for her for whatever she needs, and hopefully, she there's for me too. Still, I don't know why she falls under "Beneficial". I guess, just like Andrew, she may be teaching me something sub-consciously. That's okay with me though. :)

Rachel (RayCharles, half-sister) Angela Persaud - [Love&Friendship] - "Love&Friendship" is totally understandable for Rachel. I knew her from a while ago, when my brother was dating her sister. When her sister came over, Rachel would come over too and we'd hang out. We found that we have so many things in common! We just started calling each other half-sisters. You wouldn't believe the amount of things we have in common. Lately we hardly hang out because her sister no longer goes out with my brother. It's just a lot harder to get together nowadays. I still love her company, along with her sister's. We hang out every now and again, and I enjoy when we do. Her falling under "Love&Friendship" is more than understandable.

That's all I've got so far. I find it really interesting. I've been asking people for their birthday all night, and they all ask me why. I just say "nothing, just wondering" and they respond with something along the lines of, "...ooookay...". :) Funny, right?

Other than that, my day was decent I guess. Nothing great or spectacular.

Our Chinese teacher actually came to school today. For the past week, he hasn't been here because he had to get emergency surgery done. He's finally here now and we actually get to start learning stuff. I think it's really fun. I had so much fun in that class trying to pronounce words. And with Jonathan and Christopher in that class with me just makes it a whole lot better. :)

That's really all I have for today. :) Thanks for reading!

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