Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Night,

Hello day fourteen again! :)
OR, week two! :D

My attempt at staying up all night long failed. Oh well. However, I did have fun last night! Has anyone tried to use the "talk" feature on AIM? Queen and I did! It's almost like being on the phone, minus the cost, and minus the annoying small item you have to hold to your ear. Although, my microphone was pretty crappy and I got cut off a lot. No matter, it was still fun. We actually played snaps through the microphone. It was pretty fun. She kept me entertained until 5AM.

I woke up around 1:30PM today. Ugh. More of a day wasted! Masai said that we could hang out today. He hasn't talked to me since yesterday afternoon. I don't really know what's going on. If he calls or something, then I'll answer, but until then, I'll be here by myself. :S

I said I was going to watch Spanglish, but I forgot. Maybe I can return those other movies that I rented from the library now that I watched them. I still have that scary movie that I wanted to watch. I don't want to watch it alone though. It's still daylight out. Maybe I'll watch it.

Well that's all for now. I'll post again when the day is near ending.

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