Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just a Little Bored,

Oh, hello day three again. I decided to just add another entry. Blogging is fun to me. I hope that doesn't sound geeky.

You know what I noticed? It made me pretty mad when I thought about it. Let me just say this: I wish I could say that I didn't care what people thought about me. I was walking in the hallway today with Corey and Xavier, and I was covering my top, being all self-conscious. Corey and Xavier asked me why I was covering it. I told them that my chest was kind of exposed today. Then Corey simply asked me, "Since when did you care what people think?". Well maybe that wasn't the exact word-for-word conversation, but it was exactly along those lines. I sat there in my first period class a bit disappointed in myself. Since when did I care what people thought? Gee, I feel myself slipping away more and more each day.

I wish I didn't procrastinate. It makes me angry. >:( I really should be getting my english project done, but instead I sit here just thinking about it. It's like I want to do it, but I just can't get myself to go and start. Ugh.

I really wonder who reads this. You there! Reading this right now! State your name! ...Please? I'm really curious as to who reads the actual things I write--well... type.

And now my stomach is hurting.
:( I'm also thirsty. I'll leave now I guess. This was such a pointless post. :P

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