Friday, October 3, 2008

Spongebob and Friday Nights,

Day twenty-four! :)

I think i'm coming down with something! :( I can feel it in my throat. Oh no! I hate being sick!

Here I am doing nothing on a Friday night. I don't have a boring life, do I? I choose to live my life this way!

Last night I went with my mom and Joanne to karaoke! :) It was fun. I made a lot of old MEN happy. >.>

I don't really have anything else to write. Tomorrow should be fun. I'm going to the mall with Anthony and his friend. :)

Masai was sick today. :( I didn't get to see him yesterday or today! Not cool. :T

Spongebob is on. :) I like Spongebob. Maybe i'll go watch Spongebob. :)

Farewell! :D

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