Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Off Course,

Hello day twenty-eight! :)

Well it's actually the beginning of day twenty-eight. It's about 3:30AM right now. I woke up about an hour & a half ago. I feel so off course. Normally my day goes as so: go to school, come home, eat, nap, wake up, dinner (sometimes), computer, sleep. However, today went as so: went to school, came home, ate, learned a cup beat, walked around outside and inside and did the cup beat for about 3 hours, taught the cup beat to Jamal, watched tv, ate dinner, did the cup beat with jamal again, watched tv again, fell asleep on the couch, woke up, slept. Do you see? I like this off course feeling though. My days are normally lazy and boring.

I was with Jamal about 5 minutes ago. He was awake too, but he was getting tired. I talked with him for a while and once he fell asleep I left. I stayed until he fell asleep because I remember when I wanted somebody to stay with me when I fell asleep, but nobody would stay. It might not have mattered to him, but I guess it mattered to me.

I'm watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air right now. Hooray! Will Smith is so entertaining. :)

Wow! I only have about 4 hours left with my braces. This is going to be an odd departure. I actually liked having braces. I remember when I was smaller and I saw my brother with braces. I wanted them so badly. I thought it'd be great to have them. I was right actually. My smile is going to be pretty great when these braces come off. I am pretty excited.

I just want to stop being sick already. I hate sleeping when i'm sick because when I wake up I feel all groggy and miscombobulated. Is that a word?

I'm wide awake right now. It's a good thing I'm not going to school tomorrow, or else I would be pretty darn tired.

Well I suppose I'll stop for now. I didn't realize, but according to my counter, there are a lot of people that just read this. Hi people reading this! It's so interesting that people I don't know are being informed about my life. Well actually, now that I've given it some thought, that sounds a bit creepy. Ah, well.

Goodbye! :)

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