Saturday, December 27, 2008

whoa, whoa, whoa!

Believe it or not, i'm here. It's day one-hundred and fourteen. Can you believe? I haven't been here in so long.

A lot of things have happened over the past month. It's been more than a month, hasn't it? Well, almost, at least. It's almost going to be January. That means the new year is rolling in! 2009! That's just crazy.

My father is visiting my family here in New Jersey for the holidays. I'm really glad he's down here. I've missed him quite dearly, if I do say so myself. I really enjoy spending time with him. I forgot how much my father and I are alike. It's going to be a sad time when he has to leave back to Oregon.

My father has always been into reading and such along those lines. Since he's here, we've made a few trips over to Barnes & Noble's. He bought me Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. I read all of those over the past week. I'm still working on Eclipse as of now, but i'm sure that'll be done soon. (; I was inspired to read the book after seeing the movie with my father. Everyone says that the movie wasn't all that great, but I beg to differ.

What's tomorrow? Sunday? Well, of course it is! Tomorrow is also the day I leave to go to Virginia with my father, mother, and brother. We'll be there until Tuesday. I love going to Virginia. My favorite relatives live over there. Plus, I was born and somewhat raised in Virginia. It's like home to me. Alongside that, I love road trips. I used to get carsick very easily, but now the long car rides don't bother me too much, and i love them.

Christmas was just two days ago! I hope everyone had a very good Christmas. (: I spent my Christmas with family as usual, so it was good. I wasn't really expecting anything for Christmas, honestly, but to my surprise, my father bought me a pink sony vaio! I love it so much! I named her Tiffany. I'm sure you're wondering where the name Tiffany comes from. Well, my first goldfish's name was Tiffany, back when i was in 2nd grade or so. That's where the name comes from. When I was younger, that was my favorite name.

I'm not sure I have much else to say. I'm pretty tired, to be honest. I'm not sure why. Well I guess i'll be leaving now. (: Farewell!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm Back!,

Oh my lord, it's day fifty-seven!

I know I haven't really been writing in my blog. I'm a little sad about that. I've always meant to, but I was just never in the mood.

Well tons of things have happened over the course of about.. what? Two weeks? Well anyway, I lost my kitty, Butters. We found him though, so no worries about that. Also, Halloween was just two days ago! I was a kitty myself. :) Nobody could tell what I was though!

I have to tell you this story though! I went to this Halloween party with my mom and Joanne. It was pretty fun, I have to admit. Dancing, eating, partying, etc. It's the usual. Well my mom had gone outside to make a phone call. Joanne was sitting next to me. This random drunk guy is sitting on the other side of me, paying me no attention, thankfully. However, this other guy, who, I will admit, thought was slightly attractive for somebody older, had given me this look while talking to the drunk guy next to me. I couldn't really understand. I mean, the music was so loud, how could anybody hear anything? Anywho, he gave me this look again, as if he were talking to me. I motioned to him that I couldn't understand or hear him. He motions for me to come over to him. I give him a bit of an odd look and slowly get up and walk the four steps over to him. He grabs hold of my arm and asks me if i'd like to dance. I tell him that I'm not really all that great at dancing. He then asks me what my nationality is. I tell him Hispanic and Filipino. Then he asks what my name is. I tell him that my name is Miranda. He says, "Nice to meet you Miranda, I'm Sahid[sp?]" and he shakes my hand. His breath reeked of alcohol and his words were slurred. Then he says to me, "Listen, I can't tell you how I feel right now, but I'd like to. Would you like to exchange phone numbers with me, so that we could maybe meet up and get to know each other?". I look at him strangely and tell him that I would have to think about it. He then gives me this look like, "What?! You have to THINK ABOUT IT?!". I tell him sorry and turn to leave. However, he still has hold of my arm and he's still gripping tight. I give him a weird look and ask him if he's going to let go of my arm. He then says, "Don't leave me!". I laugh to myself and confront him about a girl he was with before. He then smirks, "Oh! So you were watching me?" I just roll my eyes and sit back down next to Joanne. He comes and sits next to me trying to say something. Joanne then says, "Time to go?" I couldn't really understand what she meant by that so I just replied, "Yes, in a bit. When mom comes back." This guy then grabs my attention again telling me that he just likes to have fun. I'm sure there was more of a message behind that, but the alcohol was too distracting for me to notice it. I just sit there and look at him like, "oh really?". He then says to me, "So listen, will you exchange phone numbers with me or not?". I raise an eyebrow with a slight smile on my face and plainly say, "No.". I read the disappointment on his face, but he just raises his hand and says, "Well it was nice meeting you Miranda." I reply, "you too." and he walks off. The more I think about it, he probably would've been a good, nice guy if he were sober.

Well anyway, that's all i've got to say for now. I'll try to write more often. Farewell!