Saturday, September 13, 2008

What a Fun Saturday Night,

Hello, hello day six-a-roni! :)

If you couldn't tell already, I'm in a pretty fabulous mood. :) Things are just going exactly the way they need to be. I'm stress-free as of right now. It feels great! Everybody deserves to be this happy. :D

I went to Walmart with my mommy today. I got stuff that i've been needing. I also got that poster board for my stupid English project. It doesn't sound THAT bad of a project though, I guess.

My mom is going to her party tonight!
:) Fun for her, boring for me. I won't really have anything to do. My brother is at my uncle's too, so i'll be home alone. I can't really think of anywhere to be or anyone to be with me. Oh well, i'll just do my project. What a fun Saturday night.

I rearranged my room last night! Now my computer and my TV are next to my bed. Hah, i'm so lazy. It's unbelievable. I like it though, so too bad.

While I was cleaning and stuff, I found my old diaries under my mattress! Ha-ha! That's so cliche. :P Anywho, there was also a box. In that box was notes between me and my mom. Look, here's one:

Dear Mommy,
What was that new thing you could get in Insaniquarium? I'm kind of glad I didn't go to Alyssa's from Saturday to Sunday. Now I get to go to the mall with you! Christmas shopping is fun! Alyssa and I are going to exchange gifts too. I know exactly what she wants!


Mom's Response:

Good! Then make sure you let Alyssa know that we have plans this weekend so she knows. We'll have a good time you and me. :)

Love you,

Here's another to Doug, one of my mom's ex-boyfriends. I even wrote notes to him! Aw, I was adorable.

Dear Doug,
Have a fun day! Tee-hee. Since there's no school, I won't have to take--LASAGNA! Especially not Emeril's. How gross. Zucchini? I've had it before though. I think with Alyssa. We added stuff in it. Well, bye!


Doug's Response:

We didn't wake you up. Sorry. :( We were running late and it's way too cold out! Don't go outside today. HAVE A FUN DAY! :) Finish up the lasagna instead of ramen noodles. And don't eat all the oatmeal cream pies! Save some for your school snack.


Talk to you later.

I'm so cool. :) Well, not really. You catch my drift though.

I actually wanted Masai to come over today, but he's hanging out with his family right now. He said that if he had time that he'd come over. :)

I really have nothing else to write. It's 4:30PM, but the day has barely begun for me. Pathetic. :(

Well that's all for now I suppose. I'll post again later if something occurs
worth knowing. :P

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